Monday, October 5, 2009

The day that changed the lives of many

We Pinoys are so used to having storms that we take them for granted and just bring along an umbrella as we go about our lives; but nothing could prepare us for what was to come on Sept 26, 2009. What we thought was just 'one of those typhoons', with a cute name, nonetheless - 'Ondoy' ('Ketsana' internationally) left so much damage and destruction in it's wake...and so close to home.

In just one Saturday afternoon, it poured...and poured...and poured even more, then the floods came. Streets became impassable and the thousands who wanted to rush home were forced to stay put. It would have been all for naught, anyway, as floods rose up to the 2nd level of houses, forcing homeowners to seek refuge in their rooftops. Cars, brand-new and old, floated around like Matchbox toys. Mud and silt entered houses, destroying everything inside. Families were separated forever by the strong waves and the deep water. In just one Saturday afternoon.

There was death, there was destruction and there were heroes.

'Ondoy' left the country the next day, leaving those affected to mourn and to pick up the pieces. But even as the water subsides, there are those who still give hope to the struggling by continuing to distribute relief goods to this day, even when the others have moved on.

Never will that day be forgotten, but nor will the sacrifices of those who lent a hand.

A salute to those who have helped, and a prayer to those who have lost.

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