Friday, June 3, 2011

Why you should love mom and dad

One of the commandments says you should "honor thy father and mother".  Yes, the uncool old guys that embarrass you in front of your friends, the mom who makes you stand in the corner, the dad who breaks wind when you pull his owe them big time.  Here's why:
1.  No matter what you looked like as a baby, they still found you cute.      
Let's face it, not all babies are born beautiful.  Some, in fact, look like bats. 
That said, whether you looked like an angel fallen from heaven or the spawn of Satan as a baby, your parents thought you were the most beautiful thing on earth.  They appreciated you and loved you no matter how you looked, tail and all.
2.  They never failed to wake up when you cried in the middle of the night.
"I'm hungry, may I have some milk?" or "I seem to have soiled my pants. A change of diaper, please" to a baby all translates to "Waaaahhhhh!!!!" at three in the morning.  Mommy or Daddy (mostly mommy) then had to come out of REM stage to put you back to sleep again.  You can actually tell if a couple has a newborn when both of them have eye bags.

3.  They touched, smelled, and even tasted your body waste.
I mean, really.  If this doesn't merit even an ounce of respect from you, then your last name must be Lecter.  You subjected your parents to your three P's (Pee, Poop and Pfffft) and sometimes in public.  In the pic above, baby is all smiles while mom hides her revulsion off-camera. Eew.

4.  They allowed themselves to be manipulated by your tears.
Children have a secret weapon they use on their parents to get what they want - crying (the other one, which works particularly well on grandparents, is being cute).  They see mom and dad come a-runnin' when tears start to fall, so, armed with their ability to cry at will, they always get that new toy or piece of candy.  Smart parents eventually catch on to this, and learn to distinguish real tears from those made by their little crocodile.

5. They didn't buy the stuff they wanted so they could buy the stuff YOU wanted.
Your parents sacrificed owning a new dress or cellphone to get you the latest (and most expensive) toy for your birthday, which you then proceeded to destroy after only a few minutes.  Tsk.Tsk.

6.  And the most important reason - they kept you alive.
You've heard stories about parents drowning their children, leaving them inside a parked car, or just recently, cooked in a microwave oven - lucky you.  Plus,  food, clothing, shelter, medication and education, in other words, raising you to hopefully become a decent human being, cost your parents a fortune. 
    Repay them by...
    ...well, becoming decent human beings.  Study hard, get a job, stay away from drugs and don't get (or get someone)pregnant out of wedlock. Give them something to brag about to their friends during high school reunions and make them feel that all their sacrifice was worth it.

    And accept the fact that as your mom and dad grow older, it will be your turn to take care of them.

    Best of all, give them grandchildren (that hopefully don't look like bats...though it's fine with them).